
Pantomime on Twitter: Oh, yes you can!

A group of social networking mischief-makers are bringing a panto to Twitter for the whole world to see.

If you’ve never been to a British pantomime, here’s what to expect:

  • A central cast of actors take common themes and familiar stories, and twist them in new ways
  • Men play women and vice-versa
  • Old jokes are updated with topical humor
  • Everything has a second, and decidedly naughty, meaning.
  • The audience is expected–nay, commanded–to participate.
  • Famous people show up unexpectedly.

It’s a perfect prototype for Twitter, with 140-character repartee and fast-flying innuendos.

And on Tuesday, December 23, a cast and audience are coming together on the microblogging network to put on the first Twitter panto. In true social network style, there’s only loose direction and gentle nudging from the directors. The brainchild of social media consultant John Bounds it’s an interesting holiday experiment.

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